In the spring of 2005, Henri and Marko recorded a demo with a parallel project they had created, also featuring two more guys I don’t know, called Ukkosenjumalan Pojat (Sons of the God of Thunder), in a clear allusion to
Suden uni’s opening track, “Ukkosenjumalan poika”. This recording was uploaded to the Internet; their style was a tongue-in-cheek mixture between folk and punk, in the vein of Ireland’s Dropkick Murphys; Marko described it with a word I find quite amusing: folkcore – yeah, without L. Henri called it folkish-oi!/streetpunk. The demo was called
Viikonloppu Valhallassa (weekend in Valhalla) and contained six tracks, three of which had extracts uploaded in the internet. In

Ukkosenjumalan Pojat cover
Marko’s words, “All I can say we did this one demo for ourselves just to know how this new band is sounding and if it's gonna work. So far we've been more than satisfied although it's been made in a huge rush and alcoholic state of mind. One Swedish UG-record label [UG=underground] contacted us so maybe we'll put some mini cd out from that session.” But that never happened. The next time something was heard about them was one year later, in June 2006, when they told they had decided to write the songs in English, so they had also changed their name for Thunderdogs, by swapping letters from thunder gods I guess. Trollhorn informed: “We have changed our lyrics to English and thought about changing the band- name also. More about that when it's official. But the point: We're definitely not dead. But at the moment we've got our hands full of Moonsorrow (and other shit, like Finntroll for me) so we really haven't had time to concentrate on the band lately. However, we will activate in october or so, so have no worries!!!!!!!!” Then October came, and October passed, and the months that follow October passed, and nothing was heard about this project again. The
Raah raah blääh cover
following time they were asked about this matter, already in March 2009, Marko’s answer was simple: “The lack of time happened.” The few minutes they uploaded can still be found here:
Ukkosenjumalan Pojat.
Raah Raah Blääh story didn’t finish when
Verisäkeet came out. In autumn 2004, short after finishing the recording, an impatient fan asked for a sample of the new material in the forum. On November 1st, Henri said: well, here’s your sample, and linked to a real song recorded by the band, called “Kuolema taidehomoille… ja muille!”. The track was short and lacking any musical quality – they had apparently recorded it during some spare time they had. People played along with them and some said they could make a whole album like that; then Henri revealed: “We were just talking last weekend […] that maybe we should do it. You see, as the song took me and Ville 5 minutes to "compose" and 10 minutes for everyone to learn, we could basically reserve Jukka's studio for... say, two days and actually make that "Raah Raah Blääh"- album. There.” And that’s what they did. In the end of April 2005 they recorded the album and uploaded some pictures in their website; finally, on September 19th they uploaded they whole thing to the internet in mp3 format together

Lakupaavi: audio terrorists
with the lyrics in Finnish. They obviously didn’t want to “stain” the name of Moonsorrow with these twenty-something grind punk chaos tracks (more than one fan got scared), so the material came out under the name of Lakupaavi, meaning “liquorice pope”. Henri made a horrible artwork which was uploaded too. For some reason, Markus wasn't a part of the "official" line-up, however he wrote and performed the outro for the album. So the line-up consisted of the other four, plus Janne, plus Jukka Varmo, their sound engineer. In Lakupaavi, the six members had a nickname:
Henri - The Sieg Heil Man;
Ville - Dead Editor;
Marko - Pate Perestroika (Perestroika Head);
Janne - Luxus Kristus (Luxurious Christ);
Mitja - Vitun Mitu (Fucking Mitu);
Jukka - Pentti Orvokki (Violet Boy or something).
Translations can be wrong, blame Google for that. Later on, Ville laughed when asked about this matter: “We did it for fun, it was a joke of drunks, we didn’t think it would be news, blame Blabbermouth or whoever published it.” Marko mentioned a couple of times that they would do two more albums in the future and complete a trilogy, but so far (August 2010) they didn’t do anything more. However, in Ville’s words: “Lakupaavi is NEVER dead”. Link to the site:
And this is basically what happened during 2005. Of fifteen concerts they did in all the year, seven were in Finland, and eight in other European countries; the tendency started to reverse.